Keeping it Small & Simple to Minister Together

We believe that there are different expressions of the church, from mega-churches to community churches to house churches which all minister to people in different ways.  At Cornerstone Church Central Coast, we have adopted a house, or simple, church model as a way to allow people to share the Christian walk together.


We feel that Christian growth occurs when we are committed to Christ, loving our Christian family and sharing the good news.  As such we have determined to prioritise the way we do things by a commitment to teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer, missions and as means of ministering and encouraging one another and those around us.

5 Things that Stand Out About Our Church

1. Teaching

We believe in the necessity of providing strong Bible based teaching revealing the context to the original audience in ways that are applicable today.  We understand the Bible is God’s story into which he invites us to participate and seek to understand what this means for us.



2. Community

We are strongly committed to creating a healthy Christian community with an emphasis on ministering to each other.  We see this as being a central theme throughout the Bible and a model of mutual pastoral care and accountability.  At our church we value people and look for ways to encourage others in their pursuit of God.


3. Worship

The God that we serve is worthy of all of our worship and this is something that we are committed to.  In our services there may be singing as worship, but since we know that all people are different, we try to provide other opportunities for people to worship the living God in ways that help express our hearts for him whether that be through music, art, silence or prayer.


4.  Spiritual Life

We believe that as believers the Holy Spirit lives within us and changes us to be increasingly like Christ.  As such we look to establish ways that enables us to live in the presence of God in our daily lives.


5. Looking Outside

We do not keep the good news of Christ to ourselves, but share it with those around us as he has called us to.  We are committed to this through the proclamation of the Gospel and how we live. This is not simply an ‘add-on’ to what we believe but is a natural extension of our other values.  This means that the truth of who God is and how we relate to Him personally and corporately, leads us to naturally share Jesus with others.

