There are several things that you should expect whenever you visit Cornerstone Church.  We believe that these things are crucial to how we go about our walk with God and how we interact with the world around us.  While no two services are identical the elements below are vital ingredients of every service.



One of the things that is emphasised at Cornerstone Church is the necessity for sound Biblical teaching.  We understand that our understanding of God directly shapes the way we understand who we are in Christ.  As such the principle that we have adopted is 'Know, Grow, Show'.  This means that as we come to know God deeper, he changes our lives to reflect who he is, which cannot help but show itself to other.  We do not have a sermon but rather seek to facilitate healthy discussion through the use of leader-driven studies.


At Cornerstone Church we value creating spaces where we can encourage and support each other in a variety of ways.  One of the ways that we see this happening is through prayer.  Every Cornerstone Church meeting has a time of prayer which includes time to share things to pray about and the freedom to pray for each other and other needs in our communities and wider world.


At Cornerstone Church, we value community.  We believe that to truly grow more like Jesus necessitates being involved in a Christian community.  Nothing reminds us more of our unity with both Christ and each other than communion.


We worship God simply because he is worthy.  We see worship as being the way we live all aspects of our lives.  Our worship is our offering to God which shapes us to be more like Jesus.  For us worship is both an act of adoration to God and a declaration of who he is as we act as his ambassadors in our world.