• We believe in the triune God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - one God and yet three distinct persons.

  • We believe that God is the intimate creator of all things and the one who sustains all things.

  • We believe that because of his grace, Jesus became human (thus being fully divine and fully human), lived with humans, was crucified and rose again in order to invite people into relationship with God.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit draws people to embrace God and subsequently dwells within the believer, sanctifying and gifting them in order to build up his people.

  • We believe that all people are sinful and deserving of God's righteous judgement.

  • We believe that the Bible is the revelation of who God is and how he relates to the world.  We see the Bible as being historical (i.e. it addresses a particular audience in time in a particular place facing particular issues), and living (i.e. the Bible continues to speak to and be applicable to its readers today).

  • We believe that God covenants himself to people by his grace through Jesus.  He is aware of what is happening in the lives of his followers and works on their behalf.

  • We believe that God has ordained the church to be the body of Christ expressing who he is to the world.  The church is not a building but the people of God made up of believers throughout the ages and world being shaped increasingly like Christ.  We believe that when Christians isolate themselves from other believers, the whole body of Christ suffers as a result.

  • We believe that the church is called by God to share the message of Christ to others.  This is something that we see expressed throughout the pages of the Bible and is the central emphasis of the early church in Acts.  In this mission, we partner with God in declaring the gospel of Christ to those immediately around us and further afield.

  • We believe that baptism (where possible by immersion) is a normal aspect of Christian life. It is a declaration of faith in Jesus Christ, identifying the believer in the death and resurrection of Christ and an act of devotion to him.  It also acts as a sign of entering into the community of faith.

  • We believe in the celebration of Communion in honour of Jesus' death and resurrection as an act of meeting with him and celebrating our bond through him.

  • We believe that God is at work in redeeming all things which will ultimately be seen in the return of Christ, who will judge both the living and the dead and bring in the fullness of the Kingdom of God.

Our Beliefs